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Bone Grafts vs Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) in Spinal Fusion
Bone Grafts vs Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) in Spinal Fusion

Bone grafts have been a basic component in spinal fusion surgery.  Grafts can provide structure by filling in gaps between two bones.  This prevents movement while the body rebuilds lost bone.  The graft acts as a framework for the new bone.  Bone grafts also stimulate the bone to heal and restore strength to the area.  The surgeon can use a bone graft from the patient’s own bone, donor bone, or a synthetic material.

Risks and Complications of Bone Grafts

Unhappy mature man feeling bad, suffering from backache, hold his back and can't stand up from sofa. Senior aged male with back discomfort from spinal fusuin sitting alone on couch at home

Possible risks and complications from bone grafts include the following:

  • Infection – There is less risk when the patient’s own bone is used.
  • Blood Loss – A transfusion may be needed.
  • Problems with bone healing – The desired fusion does not always take place.
  • Chronic pain – Can occur at the donor site or in the grafted area.
  • Fractures – Can occur at the donor site or in the grafted area.
  • Hardware failure – Plates and screws do not hold the graft in place.
  • Nerve damage – Nerves around the surgical area can be negatively affected.
  • Rejection – The body can attack the implanted tissue.
  • Requires a longer time in surgery.

Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP)

This newer alternative to bone grafting is a naturally occurring human protein that stimulates the body to grow new bone.  BMP has been shown to facilitate fusion at a rate equivalent to or greater than traditional bone grafts.  The use of BMP shortens the amount of time in surgery, reduces the rate of complications, and allows for a faster and less painful recovery time.  The patient typically experiences less post-surgery downtime and should be able to return sooner to their regular activities.

Downsides of BMP Use

Possible downsides or complications associated with BMP use in spinal fusion include the following:

  • Postoperative radiculitis – Irritation of a nerve causing pain, tingling, or numbness
  • Osteolysis – Bone degeneration of the vertebrae
  • Ectopic bone formation – Too much bone growth

Atlanta Brain and Spine Care

Our neurosurgeons at Atlanta Brain and Spine Care use Bone Morphogenetic Protein in a variety of spinal surgeries.  While some patients may need a traditional bone graft, our specialists will determine whether the patient is a candidate for BMP.  Our goal is to treat patients in the safest and most effective way possible and return them to an active and pain free life.  Contact our office to schedule a consultation with one of our spine specialists. 

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