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Primary Vertebral Tumors
Primary Vertebral Tumors

Primary vertebral tumors are tumors that originate in the bones of the spine.  They have not metastasized or spread from somewhere else in the body.  These types of tumors are uncommon and are usually not cancerous.  However, that does not mean...

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Congenital Spinal Abnormalities
Congenital Spinal Abnormalities

A congenital spinal abnormality is a defect or deformity that develops before birth.  During the fetus’ development, the vertebrae do not properly form.  The condition may be diagnosed before birth, evident at birth, or determined during...

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The Basics of Myelopathy
The Basics of Myelopathy

Myelopathy is an injury to the spinal cord due to severe compression.  Myelopathy is most common in the cervical spine, followed by cases involving the thoracic, or middle part, of the spine.  Myelopathy in the lumbar spine (low back)...

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What is Laminectomy Surgery?
What is Laminectomy Surgery?

Lamina are the flattened or arched parts of each spinal vertebrae that form the roof or back part of the spinal canal.  Degeneration of the vertebrae or bony protrusions from osteoarthritis cause narrowing of the spinal canal and compression of...

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Osteoarthritis and Neck Pain
Osteoarthritis and Neck Pain

Osteoarthritis in the neck, also known as cervical spondylosis, is common as people age.  It’s estimated that 85% of people over age 60 are affected.  Many people begin to experience symptoms in middle age, although their symptoms may...

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    **Current imaging must be within last 6 months
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